
v0.11: Magic Link Sign-In + Updates to Embed SDK

New Feature

Magic Link Sign-In

We've introduced a new sign-in method that allows you to access your PostNitro account using a magic link sent directly to your email address. No more password resets or account lockouts – click the link, and you're in! 🔑


To use the magic link sign-in:

1. Enter your email address on the PostNitro login page

2. Check your email inbox for the magic link

3. Click the link, and you'll be instantly signed in to your account


Updates to Embed SDK

We've updated our Embed SDK, fixing some performance-related issues, adding the functionality to sign in via magic link, and setting the default headshot for all of your users.


To set a default headshot, you just need to add the headshot details while initializing the SDK.




 const editor = createEditor({  


  defaultHeadshot: {  

  name: '' 

  logo: '', 

  handle: 'Create Carousels in seconds' 




If a user has already created their own headshot, they will be used instead of the default headshot passed through the SDK.


For more details about our Embed SDK please visit: 
