Feature Ideas

  1. API Integration with other tools.

    Create APIs that can be consumed by services to create carousel posts using PostNitro

    #Integrations 🔗


  2. Creation of video carousels

    Enable users to generate carousels from videos, optimizing the format and duration for each platform.

    #Feature Request 🚀


  3. Auto Save

    I have walked away from the computer for a moment, come back to find the page refreshed and what I was working on was gone. I think an auto-save feature is important for those of us juggling multiple things.

    #Improvement 👍


  4. Autosave posts

    Accidentally I hit refresh a few times while writing. This is a bummer, as I had to recreate everything and actually the content generated afterwards wasn;t as good as the previous So an autosave would be an amazing feature :)

    luiz h c g


  5. Customizable page number and bookmark button positions

    More customization for the page number and the bookmark button positions

    Endymion C
    #Styling 🎨


  6. Post carousels to social media directly from Postnitro

    Consider adding a caption to complete the carousels.

    #Feature Request 🚀


  7. Cname & white label

    I'm not telling you anything new when I say that giving the cname and whitelabel options will power your saas.



  8. End card static template

    Ability to produce carousels using ChatGPT, but make the end card static so it can be the same in every carousel. Having a recurring closer would be beneficial.

    Cory D
    #Improvement 👍


  9. Emoji popup

    It would be very useful to have an icon that opens a popup to insert emojis, a bit like what happens when using messaging programs like Whatsapp. You can copy them from other online sites and then paste them into the carousel, but why adopt such an inconvenient system? They are used a lot, they attract the reader's attention. Right now it's a bit like having your pens away from your desk.

    #Feature Request 🚀#Styling 🎨#Misc 🤷


  10. Remove background images

    It would be really cool if you could remove the background from an image with some magical tool

    Caic C


  11. Make Embed Option More Noticeable

    If there is an option to copy embed code for WordPress insertion, I have not seen it. Nor do I see an option to view all of the carousels I may create.

    Aric T


  12. Brand Kits

    If you provide hte option to upload content , such as logos and backgrounds font sets colours etc, and apply them at the click of a button ,to your library of templates, would save an inordinate amount of time. Better still, allow hte import of a branded template, and hten sample all of hte colours logos and fonts and layout from that template. Superb results in super quick time

    John L
    #Feature Request 🚀#Improvement 👍#Styling 🎨


  13. How do you go back?

    I deleted a slide in error - is there a back button?

    Sharon Anne K


  14. The 'Ask AI' feature

    It would be useful to have an "Ask AI" feature in the text editor, where a simple click on a drop-down menu could allow the user to translate text, refine, generate additional content, summarize large blocks of text, correct spelling mistakes, and adjust the length of a piece of writing by making it shorter or longer. This could increase efficiency and accuracy in content editing.

    Seerat A
    #Feature Request 🚀#Improvement 👍


  15. From IndieHackers

    I started playing with the application yesterday. I like it and it's valuable for me. I'm a soloprenuer, not a digital marketer. So I'm not sure that I would have the same feedback as a power user. I'm just trying to figure out my story & messaging with Ads & Carousels. The most valuable thing for me has been to just organize & visualize the ads. Simply organizing the idea, the pitch and then the ad versions is very helpful for me at this stage. Similar to the point above, it might be worth thinking about an application to help users generate ideas, build them and then also track & manage the success of different ads sets and even ad campaigns. I'm so new that I don't understand all the ad dimensions. Putting that in the dropdown would help - 1:1 (facebook), 3:4 (website) etc. I added my colors into the Canva section. It seems like they don't really save, so I've had to enter them twice. When I change templates, my custom colors disappear. My custom colors should be added to the pre-set selections so I don't need to enter them for every version. It would be great to have a "shuffle" button. I've entered my text... which is the content of the add. It would be great to just hit "Shuffle" and see different ad versions.

